4.5-star Amazon Rating
"Can you imagine reading a book about apologetics and being unable to put it down? Well, this is such a book! I started reading it and didn't want to stop . . . the story telling approach and the humor clearly illustrated how we come to conclusions . . . about scriptures and other things . . . through pre-existing filters resulting from our own life experiences. A must read!" - D. Ann
"Glenn Pearson addresses the issues asked by many Christians and non-Christians alike. Through anecdotes, personal experiences and humor, answers to some of the Bible's most puzzling questions emerge. A most-read for anyone who wants to reaffirm their faith or questions their religious journey. A rare book - a different and very special page-turned that is exceptionally well done." - Jane
"It is thought-provoking and provides insights I have not found in any other book." - Gary H.
"Really enjoyed the book and I love the angle from which it was written." - Elliot M.
"This book is really outstanding. Glenn's literary skills are exemplary - very theological and informative. I am so impressed and will be ordering some to present as gifts." - Eddie F.
"I have an M.A. and an M.Div. (both cum laude) from a major evangelical seminary, and what Glenn presents in his book is much more understandable (and enjoyable) than what one of my seminary professors presented in his nationally known book and classroom lectures. Readers will have much more confidence in the Bible after seeing Glenn's material." - Duane H.